
Tip sharing

Tippy can automatically share any bets you make manually with users from the channels you are an admin on. To enable this feature, you must first enable 'Send tip' on your channel.

send tips switch

Unit price

When sharing tips, Tippy will use the unit price configured in your General settings to share those tips. For example, if you make a bet for 37.5$ and you have your unit price configured to 25$ per unit, then Tippy will share the tip using 1.5µ.

Manual tip sharing confirmation

The default method for sharing tips is by manual confirmation. Whenever you make a manual bet Tippy will show a summary of the bet on a popup, like in the image below:

popup with manual tip sharing confirmation

When you click 'Share' we will show a summary of how the tip will look like, and which channels the tip will be shared on:

tip sharing modal

After you click 'Send' the tip will be shared.

Manual tip sharing via my bets

If you missed the tip sharing notification, or accidentally closed it, you can still share that bet from your my bets page. See Sharing bets.

Automatic tip sharing

You can change the method of sharing to 'Automatic' in your Safety settings. This will automatically share any tips you make manually with the channels which you have 'Send tips' enabled.