

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Tippy.

Which bookmakers does Tippy work with?

Tippy currently works with Bet365 (most countries). We are currently working on adding other bookmakers such as Betano. If you have a specific bookmaker you would like to see support for make sure to talk to us on Discord.

Does Tippy run in the cloud?

No. Tippy is an application that runs on your own computer. This ensures better privacy, since you have full control over your user's login and password, and we never get access to your personal data.

Does Tippy work on mobile?

Not yet, but soon! We are working on building out tip sharing features so you can share tips straight from your phone and replicate those bets on your profiles running on your computer at home.

Can I get access to the Tippy's APIs?

Yes. Contact our sales team to get access to the APIs.