

Tippy is a desktop application that runs on Windows. Head over to our downloads page to get the latest version, or use the links below:

Installing on Windows

After your download has completed, please follow these steps:

  1. It is possible that your browser or antivirus will try to block the installer, because it is an executable file. Click "Continue download" to allow it.
  2. After downloading the file, double click it from your Downloads folder to open it.
  3. Windows will show a screen with "Microsoft Defender SmartScreen", click "More info" and then click "Run anyway".
  4. Open Tippy and login on your account.

Installing on macOS (Beta)

  1. After downloading the file, double click it from your Downloads folder to open it.
  2. Drag and drop the app into your "Applications" folder.
  3. Open Tippy and login on your account.

It is possible that your macOS's security settings will block the application from running. If that happens go to Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Allow applications downloaded from -> Anywhere. We are working on getting the app properly recognized by Apple.

Installing on Linux (Beta)

  1. After downloading the file, double click it from your Downloads folder to open it.
  2. Open Tippy and login on your account.